Sunday, December 13, 2009

Really old knowledge, for no more zits....

This recipe is written in Pliny the elders and Dioscorides writings.
It is really old, (2000+ years) a simple way to keep your face clear of zits, and black or whiteheads,
All the buttons on your face or skin will disappear.
It was plenty good, and really liked by a lady named Cleopatra.

If you want clear skin for a very cheap price follow these simple steps.

1 - Wash your face really well with an Herbal soap, buy it anywhere.
2 - Apply a thin but complete coat of Olive oil, Make sure it is pure olive oil, no others oils mixed in, just pure olive oil, buy it anywhere.
That's it , that's the 2 steps,
Do it before bed and when you wake up.
Do not use any other oil, ONLY Olive oil, other oils could cause the opposite effect
Within 3 days you will see a real difference, and within 2 weeks your face will be clear.
All girls and women should apply a thin, yet complete coat of olive oil to their skin 30 Min's before applying any makeup.
I have told hundreds of kids about this and all of them are very very happy with their results, not a one had any kind of an allergic reaction.
Now use common sense and try to see if you might be allergic, to olive oil or an herbal soap?

More common sense, make sure all your going to touch your face with is clean and bacteria free.
Anything that's on your hands or the cloths you may use, will be on your beautiful face.
It could cause the olive oil to have to work to remove what was on your hands, from your face instead of the zits and such.
Be very clean , and you will have NICESKIN. No shortcuts!!!
You can use an abrasive soap on your hands, as they get really dirty, but use the herbal soap only on your beautiful face.
Do not try to accelerate the process by using more, I even recommend that you take weekends off and only wash your face , do not apply any olive oil on Saturday or Sunday.
As your complexion improves use less and less till your down to twice per week.
Once you have cleared up, twice per well will be enough to keep your face beautiful.
If you have something happening please email me for more info. and include before and during pictures if you can, as you could be in another part of the world.

I am not a doctor, I am a simple herbal healer, who is looking to the ancients for lost info.
I have found a great deal of lost info.
I would appreciate emails from those using this, just a hello would be fine.
Check out some more ancient healing..
Here you will find another recipe, it is not free but does some pretty amazing stuff.
God Bless